Not Hello World

brave new world hello the time machine george orwell ray bradbury orson welles huxley new world order

It’s standard that the first default post in WordPress is called ‘Hello World’. Ironically, the people of the world are holed up, social distancing, avoiding eye contact and any greetings in general.

I wonder what will happen in ten years, when the world economy said ‘goodbye’ and we all end up looking like those blue people in the 1960 film The Time Machine?

We’re going to end up like this

I suggest reading everything H.G. Wells, George Orwell and throw in Huxley and Bradbury, just for a laugh. Remember when we were kids in the 80s and 90s laughing at the thought New World Order and compartmentalizing freedom?

I started this blog because I want to roll my eyes at every nonsensical news and commentary show that gets good air time. These people get paid to terrorize us. Where can I sign up for that job? Orson Welles is probably rolling in his grave right now.

I digress. This is my first post. Good for me. I already had Twitter try to prevent me from setting up my account. They don’t even know my game. Oh, but they do 😉

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